Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Saw a Tree


It was early morning.
The birds hadn’t begun to sing
And the wind was still a whisper.

A tree stood alone on the middle of a hill.
The leaves were a dark gentle green.
They were quiet and seemed thoughtful
Maybe protective and stoic.

Then, like honey, the sun spread out over the sloping field.
Its warmth slowly rolled down the hill,
Filling the earth like a golden ocean tide.
Sunlight slowly soaked the leaves
Giving them something sweet and good.

The quiet contemplative dark green inside
was overcome by the radiance of the leave’s edges
As they were illuminated by the sun.
The leave’s tips were like green fire contrasted by
A mysterious deeper green tenderness.

Because of the sun,
The tree became the centerpiece.
It was more than a silent presence
In the early morning hours.
It transformed the quiet
And made the birds sing.

I noticed the ridgeline above it,
where the hill meets the sky
And expectations rise,
But my eyes were captivated
To the simple middle.
Where, I saw a tree.


A tree stood alone on the middle of a hill.
A canvas slope overshadowed it
and a majestic peak rose above it.
The tree was surrounded in quiet.
It looked slightly cold, alone, and content.

It was early morning.
The birds hadn’t begun to sing
And the wind was still a whisper.
The leaves of the tree
Were a dark gentle green.

Then, the sun spread out over the sloping field.
Its warmth rolled down the hill,
filling the earth with a honey ocean tide.
Sunlight slowly soaked the leaves
giving something gold, sweet, and good.

The quiet contemplative dark green inside
was overcome by the radiance of the leave’s edges
as they were caught by a luminous sun.
The leaves tips were like green fire contrasted by
a mysterious deeper green tenderness.

A single leaf detached and was awash in sunlight.
It was lost and overwhelmed
against a brilliant blue sky of complete freedom.
It will float away, dry, and then fade
until it vanishes back into the earth.

I noticed at the ridge line above,
where the hill meets the sky
and expectations rise.
But my eyes were captivated
To the simple middle.

I saw a tree.